Book Worm Tag


In honour of World Book Day I thought I would answer a few questions about my love of books, in the form of the Book Worm Tag. I found this tag over at Liberty Falls Down, and nominate Kelly over at Bright Book to have a go next!

Do you remember how you developed a love for reading?
I was always read books when I was little, but ultimately my love for reading came from reading Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone for the first time. I was around 7 years old and found a copy on my uncle's book shelf. He let me keep the copy and I was hooked from there on in!

Where do you usually read?
Absolutely anywhere. I like to read before I go to bed and on my way to and from uni. I also read a heck of a lot for my history degree, so you could say the library and my office area too.

Do you prefer to read one book at a time or several at once?
Definitely one book at a time. I like to give it my full attention. But if we're talking academia, I can be reading four or five books at a time, depending on my classes and deadlines.

What is your favourite genre?
Probably romance. Some of my favourite books of the past couple of years have been Billy and Me by Giovanna Fletcher and Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell, so I suppose that romance makes the most sense. I also really love books about feminism and women who succeed. They inspire me to achieve my goals in my own life.

Is there a genre that you will not read?
Does 50 Shades of Grey count as a genre...? Uhm, I'm not really into horror books; I prefer to be entertained rather than scared!

Do you have a favourite book?
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.

What is your least favourite book?
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.

What is the longest book you have ever read?
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, 766 pages.

What was the last book you bought?
Grace and Style by Grace Helbig. I wrote a review on it last month if you want to know more about what I thought about it!

Do you prefer library books or buying books?
A library means free access to all the literature you could ask for, so definitely library books.

What are you currently reading?
Down and Out in Paris and London by George Orwell.

Where do you buy your books?
Amazon mainly, and charity shops.

Do you preorder books?
Yes, at the moment I have preordered Carrie Hope Fletcher's novel, an upcoming book by Gogglebox's Scarlet Moffat, and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child.

How many books do you buy a month?
No more than two, unless I really want them.

How do you feel about second hand charity shop books?
There are great. I feel like I'm doing good when I buy them before I buy a new copy. They are also so much cheaper than new books!

Do you keep your read and TBR books together?
Yup, Everything is bunged on a bookshelf. I don't have the space to separate them out!

Do you plan to read all the books you own?
No. I often buy a book because I want to read it at the time, but never get round to it due to my degree. When I finally get round to having the time, I don't feel like reading it! But I do read most of them!

What do you do with the books you know you won't re-read?
I give them to a charity shop or pass them on to friends and family.

Have you ever donated books?
All the time, all the time.

Have you ever been on a book buying ban?
I currently am banned from buying anymore history books. I have a tendency to buy them because they look interesting and never read them, so I've got to wade through some before I buy any more.

Do you think you own too many books?
No, but I do keep an eye on how many I own. I donate unwanted books regularly, so too many books is not really a problem for me!

I hope you enjoyed reading about my reading habits! Feel free to answer these questions yourselves and leave comments!

Beth x

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