Zootropolis, Positivity and the Next Generation


Disney churn out some great movies. They also love to highlight real issues and educate those who watch them. Zootropolis is, in my opinion, the culmination of Disney's mission to spread positivity to the next generation, and those a little bit older too...

 Zootropolis follows the adventures of bunny Judy Hopps and her life as the first ever bunny police officer in the Zootropolis Police Department. In order to prove that tiny bunnies are just as good at policing as huge elephants and scary looking lions, she resolves to solve the case of a missing otter. Long story short, it turns out that the case is a lot bigger than everyone imagined and has a huge effect on the citizens of Zootropolis. Of course, like every Disney film, everything is alright in the end, but throughout the young audience is exposed to some important issues and how they can help combat them.

 What with recent terrorism attacks, anti-Islam protests, an immigration crisis, and racial tensions in the US, hard-hitting issues have been trickling through society, and will have reached the ears of many children in one way or another. They may not understand fully, but its all going on around them. Zootropolis shows the next generation that being different is totally okay, but more importantly that we should not persecute or belittle others for their beliefs and dreams. There is no us vs them message, but a belief that everyone can be united and support each other to achieve their dreams. I'm hoping that this positive message will not only affect the minds of the younger audience, but also change the older generation's sometimes jaded perceptions of equality, diversity and conflict. 

This good advice is melted into a brilliant visual feast. Zootropolis is very bright and colourful; a real treat for the eyes, with some brilliant characters, and very clever references. Shakira also has a feature length cameo, who knows why, but it makes for great end credits.

So gather up all the children you know (and disgruntled adults), grab yourself a few seats, and settle down for a spectacular visual and moral adventure.

Beth x 

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