Quarter Life Poetry by Samantha Jayne (Book #8)


Quarter Life Poetry by Samantha Jayne is the 8th book in my 2016 50 Book Challenge. And I absolutely loved it! I have been a fan of @quarterlifepoetry Instagram account for quite some time, so when I was given the opportunity to review the book version, I couldn't have been more excited.

Aimed at young women, this collection of rhyming quatrains explores what life is really like for the 20-something, independent woman, who is trying their damn hardest to figure life out. From tiny apartments to wine-based diets, Samantha Jayne hits the nail on the head every time. Its refreshing to read a collection of poems that doesn't aim to help those reading them, but simply aims to be relatable and make light of a quarter life crisis! Sometimes you don't always need advice, just a light-hearted look on your (sometimes dire) situation.

It took me about 20 minutes to read from cover to cover; this small collection of poetry was a great distraction from my monotonous commute! Samantha actually describes this as the perfect toilet book. I'm not sure if I would put this in my bathroom, but I would definitely whip it out whenever I had friends over. I'm sure this would probably lead to dramatic readings at 1am after a few glasses of wine...

As I only have access to an advance copy, I cannot quote any of the poems in the collection. But here are a few from @quarterlifepoetry's Instagram account:

If these make you chuckle, there's plenty more to explore when Quarter Life Poetry is released on 30th June 2016. I'm not a regular reader of poetry but this has definitely convinced me to take another look at the fun, contemporary poetry out there!

Beth x

(Disclaimer: I was given an advance copy of this book by Samantha Jayne and Grand Central Publishing via Netgalley. The above review is 100% my honest opinion; I did not receive any money for this review.)

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