All That Remains is Five Days, But I've Got Seven Years Worth of Memories


My school days our numbered - I am 5 days away from leaving sixth form and being dunked head-first into the big wide world. Yet whilst some would be scared and upset about the prospect of leaving such a familiar place, for me the thought of moving on to university and a world of the unknown really excites me. But before I leave school for good, I wanted to show everyone who is reading this just how much my time at school has meant to me, and more importantly just how much the people around me have made my days at school the best they could possibly be. 

July 2010 was our first trip abroad! Germany was our destination. 
Certainly one 
of the most memorable trips!

Looking slightly older in this photo - the German Homestay 2012 was a trip we
will all never forget, I couldn't have chosen a better bunch of people to go with either.
We need to go on this trip again!!
Highlights included ice cream at 9 am...

We marked our last day of Year 11 in style - School of Rock style!!

None of us could really do science (or so we thought), but what our science table
could do was muck around. AND we all passed!

We've been in the same form for two years, and I honestly wouldn't have
missed a day of it. I suppose it does help that we both love Fall Out Boy and All
Time Low - probably a bit too much!

Look at this lot!! It's going to be strange not seeing them every single day!
Sixth form shows you who you are closest to, and these five girls are some of my
closest friends. As you can see, whilst most 17/18 year olds are on the alcohol, we just
like to wear our pajamas and eat Chinese.
I bet your all wondering who that chick is on the right? Well, this is Sophie, and
we're going to uni together this September. I may have only gotten to
know her properly the last couple of years, but she's a keeper.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is THANK YOU!! Each and every person featured here today has made such a difference to my experiences over the last seven years - and believe you me, I'm going to be stalking you all for the rest of our lives! There's so many other people as well, who I simply couldn't fit in to this post, but they definitely know who they are.

Let's make this summer a good one, eh?

Bethany x

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