Why I Don't Currently Accept Sponsored Posts


The more successful a blog becomes, the more sponsored posts it fields to its audience. Well, that seems to be the general trend anyway. In the past couple of weeks I've received a few business emails, many of which I have turned down due to paid sponsorship clauses. Most of you must think I'm absolutely mad turning down these opportunities, but they really aren't for me.

Blogging is first and foremost a hobby for me, a creative outlet in which I can spread a little bit of my knowledge and a place to document my daily goings-on. In effect, its my digital pubic diary. Monetary sponsored posts therefore have no place on my blog for a few reasons.

In writing about my life and experiences as a student, I want to paint the most accurate picture possible. I enjoy honestly reviewing books and products when they have had some say in my life, but I find advertising items on my site purely for monetary gain and page views unethical. I only want to tell you about things I have used, loved and discovered whilst studying, as opposed to items I've been given and asked to positively comment about on in exchange for payment.

Furthermore, as a student I'm not really in a position to commit to deals and strict posting schedules. I'm fast approaching my third and final year of uni, and I honestly cannot commit to sponsored posts when I take into consideration my dissertation and the importance of my final year grade. I need to be able to put my blog on the back-burner if I feel the need to. 

Collaborating with businesses on a sponsored basis also turns a simple hobby into what the UK government call a form of self-employment. This would mean registering myself as self-employed, keeping immaculate financial records, filling out my own tax returns every April and having to pay tax in a lump sum if needed. Accepting books and products in exchange for an honest and optional review doesn't cause this sort of paperwork and faff!

It seems that sponsored posts and all the organisation that comes with it is just not something I want to get myself into at the moment. I also don't want to feel pressured into turning my blog into a money-making machine for advertising, so I'm doing my best to strike a balance. Whilst I understand that its something that many bloggers do undertake successfully, it's simply not for me.

Beth x

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  1. It can be so hard with some blogs to know whether the opinion they are expressing is really how they feel about the product or if they feel they have to say good things to continue getting sponsor requests. I imagine it can be really difficult trying to work that fine line, and all that paperwork sounds a right faff for something that might be more trouble than it's worth!


  2. I totally agree - I sometimes find it really difficult to know whether someone is simply saying things for advertising purposes. I think sponsoring can take the fun out of blogging. I want to blog for fun, not because I have to!

    I'm a regular reader of your blog by the way, I absolutely love it!

    Beth x
