Cards For Feminism


I love playing Cards Against Humanity as much as the next person. With a couple of drinks and a group of friends, its pretty entertaining. However, sober Beth has come to see it in its vulgar light, especially in regards to women. Why do we find sexual and sometimes harassment innuendos so funny? Instead of launching a whole ban Cards Against Humanity campaign - which lets face it, would receive no support- I've decided to turn it on its head. Here's my answers to some of those black card questions, all promoting a girls best friend - feminism. 

What's the gift that keeps on giving? - Equal pay.

Come on, this is such a simple requirement that employers love to ignore! Gender Parity is a real issue, with gendered pay gaps having a knock-on effect on family livelihoods, and a woman's quality of life. Equal pay is as simple as adjusting paysheets to show the same pay for the same job, regardless of gender. Why on Earth this is so difficult in 2016 is beyond me!

What's a girls best friend? - Her independence.

Instead of banding about silly answers such as 'a perfect hymen' or 'open legs', a woman's independence makes so much more sense. If we, as women, can live independently, think independently, and work independently, it can only make us stronger. Right?

Maybe she's born with it. Maybe it's - Confidence and an understanding of internalised sexism.

I'm swiftly approaching my twenties, and with that has come a new lease of confidence and an eye-opening realisation of the monster that is internalised sexism. I try to to judge other women (I'm still working on this), and never berate myself for feeling confident, or being as successful as my male collegues. Every woman was born with the capacity to feel confident, has the ability to understand everyday internalised sexism, and therefore conquer anything. 

How did I lose my virginity? - Comfortably, on my own terms.

Eurgh. I absolutely hate that I have to explain this still to some people on a regular basis. Virginity is a concept that does not denote anyone's worth. You should lose it when you're ready, and in a way that makes you feel comfortable. Let's keep the rape jokes firmly in the past, shall we?

I get by with a little help from - The genuine support of other women.

If I ever acquired a time machine, I would find out who the first woman was who criticized another woman, and give them a thoroughly good talking to. Talking other women down should be the least of our problems. Surely mutually supporting each other, and simply leaving those who you don't get on with be, is a much more productive way to live?

Whats that sound? - Applauds for the first female US President.

I couldn't not mention this after Hilary Clinton's victory over Bernie Sanders in the US Presidential race. Wouldn't it be great to see a woman at the helm of a country that holds considerable influence across the globe? Surely this could only be a good thing!
Maybe next time you play this game, take a closer look at what you're cards are implying. Like me, you may be pretty horrified.

Beth x

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