#EURef: Useful resources to help you decide


I don't know about you, but I'm 100% ready for the EU referendum debate to be over. It's put a significant strain on my patience, TV viewing and tolerance at family mealtimes. I've made up my mind, but if you haven't quite made a decision yet, then don't worry. I've sifted through the piles of propaganda and scaremongering (from both sides), and put together a list of useful websites that will actually give you answers and advice.

A team of journalists at the BBC have been tasked with providing impartial analysis and live fact-checking for anyone who wants to know the ins and outs of the EU. They spend their days finding out the facts behind the claims put forward by both campaigns, so we don't have to decode the politics.

I've dipped in and out of this book over the past couple of weeks, and I really did find it useful. Being a former politics student and aspiring journalist, I thought I knew a lot about current affairs and the EU, but apparently I did not. Grab this if you want to gain an understanding of the EU, rather than rely on the arguments for and against the UK leaving. I think you'd be able to make your own mind up having read a couple of chapters.

Future Learn specialize in providing free online courses organised by universities, on a whole range of subjects. I've been using them for years, just for my nerdy history moments, but I fell over this course on the referendum and have found it beyond useful. It focused on Vote Leave one week (I refuse to say #Brexit) and Vote Remain the next, and actually explained what each campaign stood for! You can still sign up for it now and look back at what's been going on.

I hope this has helped someone with their voting decision, and maybe even convinced some of you to go out and vote. Unlike a general election, everyone's vote is really important and could sway the end result! 

But if like me, you're sick of the whole shebang, hold tight - Thursday's not long away...

Beth x

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