Appreciating the Costumes from War and Peace


War and Peace finished on Sunday. 99% of the British population is still getting over it. So sorry if this post brings back any repressed memories... Whilst watching the show, I became mesmerized by the beautiful costumes. Everything was as it should have been back in the early 1800's. The uniforms were very accurate representations of both French and Russian uniforms.  The big earrings, the chunky necklaces, the opulent evening gowns and the understated day dresses of the Russian women transported us into another world. Here are some of the costumes that truly caught my eye. 

Natasha and Andrei's ball costumes truly showcased the opulence of Russian aristocratic life. 

Napoleon's uniform was a complete replica of his famous portraits

Helene's wedding dress was totally over the top beautiful, but showcased the wealth of the Russian aristocracy perfectly.
The origins of the milkmaid braid were explored on Princess Marya.
The show shed light on the simple nature of Russian day wear.

There are so many more photos and costumes I would love to share with you all, but if I did this post would contain about 50 pictures. I thought I'd stop here before I got carried away! 

The BBC blogger Caroline McCourt has written an article all about the Russian fashion represented in War and Peace, and ways in which we can translate it into our modern style today. Its a really great read, full of interesting ideas and tips. 

All photo credit goes to the BBC; they have a beautiful photo collection over at

Side note: Who likes the new look? I've spent ages trawling through online templates, looking for something that caught my eye! Let me know what you think! 

Beth x 

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